Press Releases  |  5.19.2021

2021 June Scobee Rodgers Innovative Educator Award Recipient Announced

Colorado K-5 Teacher recognized for innovation and commitment to keep students engaged in STEM during pandemic

Cathryn Goodman, a kindergarten through fifth-grade science, technology, education, art, and math (STEAM) teacher at Legacy Peak Elementary School in Colorado Springs, Colorado is the recipient of the 2021 June Scobee Rodgers Innovative Educator award. The award is named in honor of Challenger Center Founding Chair, June Scobee Rodgers, and it recognizes an outstanding educator who understands the importance of science, technology, engineering, and math (STEM) education and demonstrates enthusiasm and passion in teaching STEM subjects.

“The pandemic has forced educators into unchartered territory. Cathryn’s dedication to continue to engage and excite students during these uncertain times has not only given her students a sense of normalcy, but helped better prepare them for their futures,” said Denise Kopecky, Vice President, Education at Challenger Center. “Cathryn has provided invaluable insight to the team at the Challenger Learning Center of Colorado to create and improve virtual STEM programs for her students. We’re thrilled to present her with the 2021 June Scobee Rodgers Innovative Educator Award.”

Goodman was nominated by the Challenger Learning Center of Colorado. She has helped the Challenger Learning Center of Colorado develop a new virtual program series called Digital Discoveries and works closely with teachers of all grade levels to integrate STEAM into general classroom curriculum at her school. In 2021 alone, Goodman’s classes have participated in nearly 50 Challenger Learning Center programs. She also coordinates an annual STEAM night, leads a woodshop class, robotics activities, and creative art projects.

Goodman will receive $2,500 as a part of winning this year’s award. Award nominations were made by Challenger Learning Centers across the country.