Blogs  |  4.27.2023

Ask an Astronaut: Artemis II Crew

Earlier this month, I was thrilled to participate in the NASA Social group for the Artemis II crew announcement at Johnson Space Center (JSC) in Houston, Texas. This group of about 30 individuals from all walks of life—social media professionals, educators, early career STEM professionals, and space enthusiasts—came together to celebrate the crew announcement and the Artemis program. I like to think of us as the Artemis hype team!

We met first thing the morning of the announcement, piled onto a bus, and made our way to a quick briefing on what we could expect for the rest of the day. Then, we were off to Ellington Field near NASA’s JSC for the Artemis II crew announcement.

As my first NASA event, I wasn’t quite sure what to expect. But as we walked through the doors of the hanger, the energy was palpable. The level of excitement from everyone in attendance was at a high. It’s happening—we’re going to the Moon!

The event started with NASA Administrator Bill Nelson sharing, “The Artemis II crew represents thousands of people working tirelessly to bring us to the stars. This is their crew, this is our crew, this is humanity’s crew. NASA astronauts Reid Wiseman, Victor Glover, and Christina Hammock Koch, and Canadian Space Agency astronaut Jeremy Hansen, each have their own story, but, together, they represent our creed: E pluribus unum – out of many, one. Together, we are ushering in a new era of exploration for a new generation of star sailors and dreamers – the Artemis Generation.”

Q&A with the Artemis II Crew

Once the announcement was made, our NASA Social group was the first to have the opportunity to chat with our Artemis II astronauts. To our delight, they were just as excited to talk with us as we were to talk with them!

As we chatted, there was a common theme throughout all the questions asked and all the answers given by Wiseman, Glover, Koch, and Hansen . . . inspiring today’s kids to become tomorrow’s innovators is an important aspect of the Artemis program. These astronauts are representatives of hope, of possibilities, and of our future . . . opening doors that will continue to open for our students—the Artemis Generation.

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