Blogs  |  11.24.2020

Champion Challenger Center this Giving Tuesday

This year has brought unexpected challenges to people all around the globe. In a world where almost every interaction is virtual or hidden behind a mask, one of the most comforting thoughts is that we’re all in this together. That sense of community that encourages us to look out for one another is what makes Giving Tuesday, and the giving season as a whole, so magical. It comes as no surprise that this year, generosity is more important than ever to make sure the causes closest to our hearts succeed.

Through generosity, people and organizations can transform their communities and the world. It’s a fundamental value anyone can act on. Are you looking for ways to give back this season? Here are some ways you can support Challenger Center today:

  • Donate! By giving to Challenger Center, you ignite the potential in students and spark a passion for learning that will last a lifetime. This year, your Giving Tuesday donation will have 2x the impact. Our Board Chairman, Robert Curbeam, and Chair Elect, Warren Boley, Jr. are teaming up to match up to $3,400 in donations in honor of our 34th anniversary! A gift of just $100 could turn into $200 thanks to this special match from our leadership.
  • Spread the word about Challenger Center to your community by sharing our news on Facebook or Twitter.
  • Start a fundraiser! Fundraising is easier than ever these days. Use this link to create a fundraiser for Challenger Center on your Facebook page. Your friends and family will be able to join your cause with the click of a button!
  • Support your local Center! Challenger Learning Centers across the country need passionate members of their communities to help in various ways.

We hope you’ll join this movement of generosity and invest in a brighter future by championing Challenger Center this Giving Tuesday.