Blogs  |  5.30.2019

Flight Director Celebrates 20th anniversary with a Poem

To celebrate Challenger Learning Center of Northwest Indiana 20th anniversary, veteran Flight Director Greg Karas, wrote a poem dedicated to the Center’s community, staff, and students!

Challenger Learning Center by Greg Karas

Every time a new child comes walking through our door,
We have an opportunity to help each mind explore.
Whenever a young astronaut is here to learn new stuff,
We feel an obligation to provide more than enough.

In a lab or on a mission,
One can sense this great transition.
When a kid with shining eyes,
Exhibits wonder and surprise!

For 20 years our focus has remained in place, you know,
To create a great experience, which will help our children grow!
At Challenger we’re proud that we all strive for this each day.
And when the students leave sometimes, we often hear them say,
“Wow! This is the best field trip that I have ever taken!
I’m glad we kept on working hard, when confidence was shaken!”

And when we hear some words like that, we’re sure The Seven smile,
This place was built to honor them (though they’ve been gone awhile!)
Though cruel fate intervened that day and kept them from their road,
Their loved ones here upon the Earth said, “We’ll carry the load.”

We’re proud to play a part in this, to keep tending their flame,
By teaching kids a way to honor each Explorer’s Name!
Please help us as we celebrate two decades on this ship,
We tell you honestly dear friends, It’s been an awesome trip!