Blogs  |  9.11.2018

Harper Learmonth Alumni Profile

Name: Harper Learmonth

When did you first visit a Challenger Learning Center? My first visit to the Challenger Learning Center in New York City was in the fourth grade, when I was part of an after-school program and I went to camp at the Center later that summer as well.

What do you remember the most from your experience at the Center? My strongest memory was building Lego robots in teams and going into simulations of space missions. Overall, my most vivid memories are of working as a team and bonding with my classmates.

Have you always been interested in STEM? I have been interested in science for as long as I can remember, but the Challenger Learning Center was the first time I realized that I wanted to be an astronaut.

Do you have an early memory of a time when you realized how much you liked these subjects? When I began taking classes outside of school with my friends in the third grade. We would do projects like making water filters and building structures out of marshmallows and uncooked spaghetti. It was the first time I remember being really excited to learn about science and engineering.

How did the Center inspire you to take STEM related classes?  The Center inspired me to pursue astrophysics and space science. I went to space camp five years in a row. I also plan on taking an AP Physics course next year.

Do you/did you have a mentor during high school? I’m currently working with a mentor from Jet Propulsion Laboratory (JPL) to study Comet 67P.

What are your plans after graduation? Do you know what you plan to major in? I plan to major in astrophysics or engineering and botany, and intern with NASA while in college.

What’s your dream job? Where would you like to be professionally in 10 years? In the future I would like to work for NASA as an engineer and astronaut. I would also like to study botany and be a teacher.

What other activities are you involved in? What do you like to do in your free time? I am on my school’s debate team, and have been a member of it for five years. I also play piano and am a part of my school’s gardening club. I grow plants in my free time and plan on opening an online shop in the future.

In one sentence, how would you describe a Challenger Learning Center? The Challenger Learning Center is a place where kids can discover their love for science and learning.

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