We were thrilled to have the opportunity to recognize and celebrate our partners and biggest supporters at this year’s President’s Circle Event. The fabulous evening was filled with great conversation, delicious food and drink, and a stunning view of the Capitol. The following individuals and organizations made incredible contributions to our work this year.
It was an honor to have John Grunsfeld, Associate Administrator for the Science Mission Directorate at NASA, share the organization’s enthusiasm for our mission. We celebrated with our EngiLearn partners as we prepare to pilot our first classroom-based programs in Virginia next fall, and we toasted to our in-kind and mission development supporters that helped us make some huge leaps in 2015, including the development of our new website and our Earth, Moon, and Mars missions.
It’s because of these organizations and individuals that we are able to inspire hundreds of thousands of students each year!

(L to R) Challenger Center Chairman of the Board Kent Rominger, NASA Administrator Charles Bolden, NASA Deputy Administrator Dr. Dava Newman, Challenger Center Founding Chair Dr.